Saturday 1 November 2008

1 November, saturday night


OnTheMove said...

I don't know where I should post this but I just wanted to say thank you for being the only follower I have for my blogs. I do appreciate the fact that someone is out there reading my drivel! Your blogs are lovely too. I particularly like this one where you post photos of your life. Anyway, thanks once again. B

odalisques said...

I was sad to see soddingnameless end, but I guess with supernatural tales in particular it's best to end them on a high note. I'm enjoying the new one - just saw a double feature of Hammer horror today, Dracula and The Man Who Cheated Death, so particularly enjoyed catching up with this week's entries. I saw in the profile that you're doing several blogs - any others out there so far?

OnTheMove said...

Keep watching. Much hangs on me getting a fairly decent digital/video camera. I had to scrap Angela's diary as it was heading into romance territory and I am not going down that road. Too much of it about already for Vampires. So, the hope is to get Coffin and a video diary for another diary up and running by Christmas. It takes a bit more planning than a normal blog as I have to have storylines etc. I will keep you posted.